CIK - Central Index Key Search

SEC Company Details Lookup

Locate company information such as address, IRS Number (EIN), company name, phone number, and more by searching the CIK number of the company.

Using this tool, you can search the full 10 digit CIK number and we will pre-fill the number with the leading zeros.

Company Name Lookup

Using this form, you can search both company and individual names. For more exhaustive results, leave off company titles such as LLC, Corp, Inc. Individuals should be searched by their last name followed by their first name. Top results are displayed automatically, clicking Lookup will conduct a more exhaustive search.


Q: What is a CIK Number?
A: A CIK number is a Central Index Key number. The CIK is used as a unique identifier for financial filings with the Security and Exchange Commision of the USA.

Q: Is a CIK the same as an EIN?
A: An EIN is an Employer Identification Number issued by the United States IRS (Internal Revenue Service). IRS Numbers and EIN Numbers are completely seperate from CIK Numbers.

Q: Can an IRS Number / EIN have multiple CIK Numbers?
A: Yes, depending on how things are filed the same IRS number can be used for multiple CIK filings. One company, GUGGENHEIM DEFINED PORTFOLIOS, has over 1400 assigned CIK numbers.

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SEC CFR Title 17 of the Code of Federal Regulations.